ntah lew~ pjg gilew..

kehidupanku amat membosankan tanpamu.
(ak mmg shengal ckp cmtuh)
mak kata, kita kena belajar dan kita tidak boleh bercinta semasa belajar.
(my mom really said that..)
saya kata, kita boleh bercinta semasa belajar, tetapi mesti pandai membahagikan masa belajar dengan bercinta.
Masa bercinta, tiada had. tetapi, masa belajar terhad!
jadi, kita kenalah hargai masa dan gunakannya dengan sebaik-baiknya.
saya ni masih mentah.
kehidupan masih panjang.. (tataw lar kalo umur ak panjang. insyaAllah, ak akan pergi selepas org2 yg ak syg pergi.)
saya tidak tahu apa-apa, jadi saya tanyakan mak saya,
"mak, kenapa kita selalu sedih apabila disakiti?"
mak jawab,
"kerana kita sendiri yang tidak tahu menjaga hidup kita sendiri"
"kita sebagai perempuan, mesti tahu menjaga maruah diri. kita bertolak ansur dengan keluarga sahaja. kita mentaati cuma suami sahaja. dalam percintaan, kita tak perlu mentaati pasangan kita sebab tidak semestinya kita akan bersama dengan dia kelak."
"masa remaja ini , jgn disia-siakan, nabilah..."
"benda yang paling jauh daripada kita ialah MASA kerana masa yang sudah lepas tidak akan kembali lagi dan kita tisak perlu mengulangi perkara yang lalu"
"percayalah, masa sekarang amat berharga."
(brape byk kali daaa nk ckp mcmtuh, penat telinga ak dgr taw)
"Mak bukan ada apa, cuma bimbang masa depan nabilah tak terjamin sahaja."
"terlalu perit hendak mak katakan, tetapi perjalanan hidup abang dan kakakmu juga telah mak saksikan sendiri."
"kaka uda dan kak yani tidak pernah bercinta semasa belajar. mereka bercinta selepas 'graduate'. contohilah mereka.. mereka tidak membuang masa dengan benda yang tidak perlu semasa belajar.. kamu pun mesti begitu. igatlah SPM cuma sekali.."
(aduhai..... mak ak biler dh mula b'leter bt0wl2, mmg pjg la bunyinyer~)
(*dlm hati*)
(ak tau la benda tu sume. ak cinta ni bkn serius pown..erm, ntah la. bunyik cm siyes, tp ak x penah terpk nk kawin. ak bcinta main2 je tp ak syg gak mamat tuh.)
(hahah. nasib baik mak x tawu. ^^)
(jgn bgtaw ek? thnx, guys..)
mak saya sambung cerita lagi, bla...bla...bla...

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

(ketibaan abah pulak)
abah datang, agaknya saja nak dengar apa yang dibualkan oleh mak dan anak perempuan ni...
biler abah datang, perfect time untuk ak tanya soalan sejarah.
sebab abah ak mmg minat sejarah.
mmg la....dy ada abang dan kakak yang dh berumur 80 lbey skrg~
ak dengar citer pakcik ak jew, dh bersemangat..
kalaulah ada orang tua yg masih bersemangat mcmni juga..
tak terjumpa di masa depan...
susah nak cari..
budak2 skrg pown, mcm ak la,,,,
ak tgk mcmc takde semangat patriotisme btol!
agaknya, nk kena org bagi semangat dgn citer2 sejarah kowt baru nk ada semangat cintakn tanah air.

erm, sbnrnya, ak bkn nk bersifat perkauman, tapi ak cuma nk bagi pandangan je la..

ada org ckp cina ganas, cina jahat, cina licik, cina biadab.
tapi, pada ak, tak semua orang cina tu mcm yg disebutkan..
ntah la....pelik ak dgn sifat org sekrg yg suka salahkn org lain pdhl keslhn sendiri x nampak.
termasuk la org melayu kita sendiri...

pilihanraya: ak tak pasti la dgn politik tahun ni. ak pown keliru...
mana satu pihak yg patut disokong... nsb baik ak x perlu undi.
dh la, ak tanak msok cmpur hal org2 dewasa ni (cuma ak amik tau ckit2 jer)..
sekian, ntah papew jela ak merepek neh.
lain2 laks..
hehe ^^
kalo boring, ckp jelar yeh!
takyah sok sek blkg org...tak baik.

vacati0n time!! huhu

Time: waktu tu ari sabtu, ak ader klas IT, ak wt assignment yg x siap smpi kini.
Time: esoknyer...smlm da b'mlm.. mlm tu bpk ak bwk skali kazens ak..utk suke2 je..
Activity: 1. mlm tu gak, ktorg g jln2 kt tepi pantai... dyorg nk taw wat aper?? heh. main msg ngn cl org2 towk abiskn krdt! meng0ng tol n ak tgk jer la.. ak maner ader krdt mse tuh!
2. jln2 lg esoknyer, ader la gaks mamat yg usha2 tp ak mmg benci la cm2.. tp tu mmg hak dyorg kn... tp x m'hormati ktorg! bod0w!!
3. Tgk2 souvenir, baju, checkerbox (tah la, ak men pgl je nama suar tuh), kerang2, topi, n mcm2 lg la..
3. menjemurkn kulit d dpn mentari pagi.. haha, sunburn ak tghari tuh. perit d0wh kulit~
4. tgkp gmbr la, pe lagi.. tp susah ckit wj2 nk tgkp pic ktorg b'3 jela... pastu ader org promote nk tlg tgkp gmbr.., pastu sempat lg minx no.
bangang tol.. dh la gemok, buncit lg... nseb baik, ada rupa..
wawawawa~ XD
LAGI?: tgk la pic kt bwh neh... ader cam silly, bi0l, ng0ng n ader yg OKAY la...
haha.. enjoy the sh0w~

eee...pmndgn cntik! jgn tgk org!
my village!!~
me.me.me. TWO in ONE.
i lov baju kurung. this is wat i do when i'm bored
me & nana. haha. blkg tu chalet.
are-da & me. ^^ we love it~
3 of us.. hehe XD guess, who snap the pic? it was a stranger! haha.. adew org yg nk tlg amik pic ktorg b'3. malang sungguh~

my c0usins were in a vacation. apesal dyowg nmpk pendek jer..?

Friends!! ^^

1. Asyraf
2. Fiqah
3. Min
4. Danny
5. Aliff
6. Nabil
7. Farsha
8. Farah
9. Udin

Love u guys!!! XD

morning survey.. aiyah...

orait...here it goes...

1-write down a number..

2-write down another number....

3-Name a person..it hs to be a boy..

4-Name a person...anyone...

5-Name a person again...anyone..

6-name a person...

7-Name a boy....
~. . . . . . . dun hv any idea who is it. my dad counted?

8-Write down a song tittle...

9-song tittle...

10-song tittle
~Ruang Rindu

11-song tittle...
~Rising Sun

NOW...the time is...

2-Total person who will be tricked by this game...
3-the person you love most...
4-the person tht care for me...
5-the most understanding person...
6-person tht bring luck...
7-the person you love after 3...
8-song for no3...
9-song for 7....
10-song tht picturize our mind...
11-our thoughts about life...

5 people in my life? xhengal~

Name 5 people you can think of right
off the top of your head.
Or you can use your top 5.
Don't read the questions underneath until you write the names of all 5 people.
This is a lot funnier if you actually
randomly list the names first...
1. Acong
2. Safwan
3. Asyraf
4. Aliff
5. Nabil
1. How did you meet number 3?
- from tagged
2. On a scale 1-10 rate your friendship with number 5?
- 6.
3. How long have you known 4?
- so far almost 4 m0nths~
4. How do you know number 2?
- from ym.
5. What would you do if 3 told you
he/she love u?
- many times i tell him 'u fake it...'
6. A fact about number 1.
- err....SMART?!
7. Who is 4 going out with?
8. What does 5 do for a living?
- c0oking n baking. ^^
9. Would you live with number 3?
- s0meday, i think?
10. What do you like about number 1?
- he has a great pers0nality.
11. Do you miss number 2?
- nt much.
12. Would you kiss number 3?
- yeah.!! ^^
13. What's your opinion of number 4?
- hehe. he's a fren of mine ma~ he's kind enuf n like sm0king. aiyah. bt, overall, he's great! =p jgn nk perasan.
14. What's your favorite memory with number 1?
- Listening to his explanati0n bout RO machine water.. the way he talked really impress me a lot.
15. What would you do if 1 and 2 were dating?
- WHAT??!!!the world's upside down or something..
16. Ever had a long conversation with 5?
- talking? nop.
17. Have you ever slept at 2's house?
- lol! that's **** .NOP.
18. Do you hang out a lot with 3?
- yeah.
19. Who have you known the longest?
- No. 3
20. Who have you known the shortest?
- No. 1 ~ XD
21. How often do you talk and see 1?
- once. at his office.
22. What about 2?
- was a lot...


1. Are you smiling?

2. When is the last time you met someone new?
Yesterday night.

3. What is irritating you now?
The song that i'm listening to now.

4. When did you last eat pizza?
erm,,,,,a months ago, i guess~

5. Do you drink beer?
positively no

6. Do you have any friends who are famous?
no, i guess..

8. What do you want?
A company...

9. Are you tired?
Not really couz i just wake up this m0rning~

10. Last spoken words you heard?
"Bawak turun lapt0o, mak nk guna..." aiyah....................

11. Do you know anyone named John?
yeah, l0ts especially mm players~ lol!

12. Besides your bed, what is in your room?
A PC , bookshelf, cupb0ard n~

13. Pepsi or Coke?
i hate gaseous drink. eyucks!

14. Did you ever throw up?
of coz n0t...

15. But did you ever throw up while kissing someone?
never. =|

16. Who is the last person you hugged?
my mum. ^^

17. Why are you doing this?
coz i'm sad.

18. Are you restless?

19. Is your computer a laptop?
nOP, a PC.

20. Are you allowed to stay up later than 10pm on a weeknight?
yeah, my parents is cool..

21. How many profile views do you have?
Myspace-just hundreds~
Tagged-nt more than a hundred
Friendster-200 more~

22. Want to be a guitarist?
n0pe. i prefer pianist.

23. Do you believe dreams come true?
n0t really.. lol

24. Last song you heard?
for now, Kalis Rindu by Elyana...


1. Who was your first love? nabil mase darjah 1 XD (tp BUKAN Nabil Amin tu ea..) =p
2. Who was your first kiss and when? my kazen (****) kiss me when i was a child.. he's pervert.
3. Who was your first prom date? wai2~ i'm studying in girls sk0ol 4 8 yrs kayh... no prom date~
4. Who was your first room mate? well,, t0o many to tell their name bt it was when i hv 'kem bina insan'.
5. What was your first job? helping mom cooking n helping the teachers. =p
6. What was your first car? not yet. i want Honda Accord or Naza Ria XD wakakakaka!
7. When did you go to your first funeral? when i was a child..
8. How old were you when you first moved away from your hometown? 8 yrs old.
9. Who was your first grade teacher? lol! that's hard to tell couz i dnt remember them..
10. Where did you go on your first ride on an airplane? Sarawak.!!! ^^
11. Where did you go for your first date and who was it with? bawah bumbung laluan pejalan kaki waktu rehat dgn nabil time year 1
12. When you snuck out of your house for the first time, who was it with? When i'm 10 yrs old wif my neighb0ur's dsughter, afiqah n amni to Tasik Y. XD
13. Who was your first best friend and are you still friends with them? none bcoz she betrayed me..
14. Who was the first person to send you flowers? hahahaha...no one ma~
15. Where did you live the first time you moved out of your parents house? my house la~
16. Who is the first person you call when you have a bad day? any one of my bff... [diqa, min, danny, or alip]
17. Who's wedding were you in the first time you were a bridesmaid or a groomsmen? my sister. =)
18. What is the first thing you do in the morning? either smile or blur. haha!
19. What was your first career choice? a doct0r.
20. What was your first sport? running. hehe..

driving licence

(019) Drive?: Nop, maybe after SPM, i'll take driving licence
(020) Like to drive fast?: yeah. i love it.! ^^
(021) Hurt yourself?: why should i?? huh..yup, once time ago...
(022) Have a job?: not yet.
(023) Like who you are?: sometimes..
(024) Consider love a mistake?: i dunnoe.
(025) Base your judgement on looks alone?: not really. =3
(026) Do you like/love someone?: yes
(027) Been caught doing some thing your weren't supposed to be doing?: yeah. =p
(028) Been in love?: not now..
(029) Done drugs?: NEVER!
(030) Gone skinny dipping?: WHAT IS THAT?
(031) Had a surgery?: never yet.
(032) Ran away from home?: never but always feels like wanna get out from this house~
(033) Played strip poker?: never n dunno how to play. lol
(034) Gotten beat up
yeah, when i'm a child.
(035) Been on stage?: yeah, once was taking presents and many bcoz always late to sk0ol.. XD
(036) Slept outdoors: yeah, n i like it.
(037) Pulled an all-nighter?: dunn0e..
(038) Talked on the phone all night?: lol. yeah. the longest is 5 hours~
(039) Had an X-ray?: never.
(040) Had detention?: hehe... yeah.
(041) Been suspended?:i'm a g0od gurl kayh. i never been suspended. =p
(042) Been Expelled: never 0wh~
(043) Slept all day: half day? ahaks...if all day, never.. except if i'm in coma..
(044) Killed someone: no.i don't want to.
(045) Made out with a stranger: yeap..
(046) Had sex with a stranger?: crazy?? of coz i do.! lol! NEVER MA~
(047) Kissed the same sex: mummy n best friends counted in?? i'm nt les..
(048) Done anything sexual with the same sex? NEVER.
(049) Been betrayed: yeah, it's really hurting my heart..
(050) Broken the law? n0t yet~ bt if school's law? hehe..hv done so many times~
(051) Been arrested: NEVER
(052) Been on radio/TV: never, i tink..
(053) Been in a mosh-pit: whata~!
(054) Had a nervous breakdown: yeah
(055) Been criticized about your sexual performance: no one dare to said something b0ut tat thing.!
(056) Had a dream that kept coming back: dunn0e
(057) Seen your favorite band play: huhu..never been out to concert b4.
(058) Owned a pair of big sunglasses: yup!
(059) Worn a huge hat: like to~
(060) Judged other people by their clothing: sumtimes!
(061) Been told you have good taste: owh yeah, baby..
(062) Been romantically attracted to someone and physically unattracted?: no c0mment.!! =D
(063) Been used?: yeah... i dun want tot alk b0ut that..
(064) Been in an abusive relationship?: hurm....
(065) Life on other planets: sure if there's enuf oxygen, foods, water and land. lol! XD
(066) Miracles: i hope~
(067) Astrology: i'm leo..
(068) Magic: whata~!
(069) God: praise Allah
(070) The Devil: SYAITAN. and human with the mask of the devil
(071) True Love: . . . . .
(072) Ghosts: i believe there's gh0st.
(073) Rebirth: NEVER n i dun tink so...
(074) Love at first sight: never yet.
(082) That kissed you: my mom n siblings~
(083) That hugged you: my family n best frens..
(084) That you went shopping with : mostly, wif ma parents. rarely wif my frens..
(085) To disappoint you?: if man-said that u love me but turn up to other girl~ if girl- said that u've been couple wif my EX without my kn0wledge.
(086) That made you cry: . . . . many times,,,bcoz of broken heart.
(087) That brightened up your day: School time wif my classmates.! ^^
(088) You saw a movie with: My parents or family. nt t0o b0ring...
(089) You just talked to on the phone: a hands0me consultant.. (jgn nk perasan lbey2 ek!)
(090) You just talked to on text message: nabil
(091) You just to on IM: sherry n roy baker
(092) That made you smile: my frens..bff
(093) That made you laugh: simple, it's 'him'
(094) That saw you cry: my bff only.
(095) That bought you something: my family.! my BF? huh, never!
(096) That danced with you: many? ahah! nop, just my bff during sleep0ver at her h0use. lol!
(097) That you have a crush on: many...
(098) What do you find romantic?: look into my eyes n kiss me after that.. hug me when i'm feeling l0nely... ask me out bt i i can't go out, see me straight away~ ^^

31 Ways To Make A Girl Smile..

1. Dont hug her friends or your friends that are girls cause she'll feel left out
2. Hold her hand at any moment . . . even if its just for a second.
3. Hug her from behind
4. Leave her voice messages to wake up.
5. Wrestle with her
6. Don't go hang out with you ex when shes not with you, you might not realize how badly it hurts her.

7. If you're talking to another girl, when you're done talking, walk over and hug her and kiss her.... let her know she's yours and they aren't.
8. Write her notes or call her just to say "hi"..and not just at night after you've already been out with other girls.
9. Introduce her to your friends . . . as your girlfriend.
10. Play with her hair.
11. Pick her up
12. Get upset if another guy touches her and she doesn't like it.
13. Make her laugh, if you can make her laugh, you can make her do anything.
14. Let her fall asleep in your arms.
15. If she's mad at you, kiss her.
16. If you care about her, then tell her

17. Every guy should give their girl 3 things: a stuffed animal(she'll hug it every time she goes to sleep), jewelry (she'll treasure it forever), and one of his t-shirts (she'll most likely wear it to bed).
18. Treat her the same around your friends as you do when you're alone.
19. Look her in the eyes and smile.

20. Hang out with her on weekends
21. Kiss her in the rain
22. Kiss her just for the heck of it
23. If your listening to music, let her listen too.
24. Remember her birthday and get her something, even if
its simple and inexpensive, it came from YOU. it means all the world to HER. it's the thought that counts.
25. When she gives you a present on your birthday, Christmas, or just whenever, take it and tell her you love it, even if you don't (it'll make her happy.)
26. Always call her when you say you will, it may not seem like it, but it does hurt her and makes her think you don't care so call even if you can only talk for a minute. Girls don't necessarily have to have hour-long conversations every night but its nice for us to hear your voice even for a quick hello.
27. Give her what she wants

28. Recognize the small things . . . they usually mean the most.
29. Tell her shes beautiful, she needs to know her striving is working.
30. Hang out with her whenever you are free and u should be free to hang with your girl friend all the time
31. If u care about her...SHOW her!