Yesterday and today

Something came up yesterday . I didn't tell my friend what happen last night . It was grievous . urghh!! Yes, that's not the point i want to write here . Though it's the best i can do for him , but it's different to me . My world seems gone . But, maybe for temporary . haha. WTH i'm thinking now! =S
Okay .
If you have made up decison, okay , i respect for it . I understand . Mungkin kalau ada jodoh kita akan dipertemukan . But, for now, i dont' want to hear a thing about you anymore and i insist you forget me and concentrate on your study . That's all . In anything you do, i wish you good luck .

It's hard for me to let you go, but , i always remember what my mum said . Jangan buat mak dan abah kecewa melihat keputusan nanti . Ibu bapa kecewa, anak-anak yang akan menyesal jua nanti . I just want you to concentrate on your studey . I don't want to see u failed in study because of something . I know i'm such a trouble to you, okay, i get it . I can put the blame on me, it's not your fault . I hope after this you srudy smart and didn't do anything against the laws and take a good care of your health . I don't want you to get sick . *kinda sad now* My big hope is, make your words comes TRUE . I mean, do what you said to me . Don't play2 this year ! Got it ? Make me proud to once had u as my love .
I hope i achieve my goals laa . haha . Target SPM teruk lahh . aiyah . If i know my result is sucks, i don't want to tell anyone about it . haha .

So, disini , aku tak mahu melihat diriku dikecewakan lagi . If you love me, please leave me and forget me instead of making me cry again . I won't be friends with you anymore . Not like before . I also want to live in my own world . A world that is full of happines and no more tears . A world that i want to share with everyone who can bring me joy .

Well, i didn't tell my friend about what happens . Why ? Let me keep that secret . Well, if you're one of my best friend, reading this blog , i'm sorry i didn't tell u guys what had happened . If you read this and ask me, i will tell you the truth . I dont' want to keep any secret from you guys but it's my problem . I love you guys forever . We're still friends whatever happens. Even the distance separates us, but i know someday , we'll meet again .

Latly but not least, i will be very busy after this . Busy with works, maybe . And busy giving attention to my thought . haha . Life after school is different and now i really miss my school time . It was great! ^^ haha . My future ? We'll see . I mean , whenever i update my blog laa .

I give up . I want to move on to the next stage, the college life and real life . It has more differences from school life and a lot more challenging and wide . I want to open my eyes, widely , so that i can learn to live myself and survive in this harsh world .

bla, bla, bla ~ It hasn't come to the end yet ? hahaha . A lot more to write actually . Maybe next time . It will be a long period till that 'next time' . haha .
Farewell, my blog . Till next time, yah! Papai!