driving licence

(019) Drive?: Nop, maybe after SPM, i'll take driving licence
(020) Like to drive fast?: yeah. i love it.! ^^
(021) Hurt yourself?: why should i?? huh..yup, once time ago...
(022) Have a job?: not yet.
(023) Like who you are?: sometimes..
(024) Consider love a mistake?: i dunnoe.
(025) Base your judgement on looks alone?: not really. =3
(026) Do you like/love someone?: yes
(027) Been caught doing some thing your weren't supposed to be doing?: yeah. =p
(028) Been in love?: not now..
(029) Done drugs?: NEVER!
(030) Gone skinny dipping?: WHAT IS THAT?
(031) Had a surgery?: never yet.
(032) Ran away from home?: never but always feels like wanna get out from this house~
(033) Played strip poker?: never n dunno how to play. lol
(034) Gotten beat up
yeah, when i'm a child.
(035) Been on stage?: yeah, once was taking presents and many bcoz always late to sk0ol.. XD
(036) Slept outdoors: yeah, n i like it.
(037) Pulled an all-nighter?: dunn0e..
(038) Talked on the phone all night?: lol. yeah. the longest is 5 hours~
(039) Had an X-ray?: never.
(040) Had detention?: hehe... yeah.
(041) Been suspended?:i'm a g0od gurl kayh. i never been suspended. =p
(042) Been Expelled: never 0wh~
(043) Slept all day: half day? ahaks...if all day, never.. except if i'm in coma..
(044) Killed someone: no.i don't want to.
(045) Made out with a stranger: yeap..
(046) Had sex with a stranger?: crazy?? of coz i do.! lol! NEVER MA~
(047) Kissed the same sex: mummy n best friends counted in?? i'm nt les..
(048) Done anything sexual with the same sex? NEVER.
(049) Been betrayed: yeah, it's really hurting my heart..
(050) Broken the law? n0t yet~ bt if school's law? hehe..hv done so many times~
(051) Been arrested: NEVER
(052) Been on radio/TV: never, i tink..
(053) Been in a mosh-pit: whata~!
(054) Had a nervous breakdown: yeah
(055) Been criticized about your sexual performance: no one dare to said something b0ut tat thing.!
(056) Had a dream that kept coming back: dunn0e
(057) Seen your favorite band play: huhu..never been out to concert b4.
(058) Owned a pair of big sunglasses: yup!
(059) Worn a huge hat: like to~
(060) Judged other people by their clothing: sumtimes!
(061) Been told you have good taste: owh yeah, baby..
(062) Been romantically attracted to someone and physically unattracted?: no c0mment.!! =D
(063) Been used?: yeah... i dun want tot alk b0ut that..
(064) Been in an abusive relationship?: hurm....
(065) Life on other planets: sure if there's enuf oxygen, foods, water and land. lol! XD
(066) Miracles: i hope~
(067) Astrology: i'm leo..
(068) Magic: whata~!
(069) God: praise Allah
(070) The Devil: SYAITAN. and human with the mask of the devil
(071) True Love: . . . . .
(072) Ghosts: i believe there's gh0st.
(073) Rebirth: NEVER n i dun tink so...
(074) Love at first sight: never yet.
(082) That kissed you: my mom n siblings~
(083) That hugged you: my family n best frens..
(084) That you went shopping with : mostly, wif ma parents. rarely wif my frens..
(085) To disappoint you?: if man-said that u love me but turn up to other girl~ if girl- said that u've been couple wif my EX without my kn0wledge.
(086) That made you cry: . . . . many times,,,bcoz of broken heart.
(087) That brightened up your day: School time wif my classmates.! ^^
(088) You saw a movie with: My parents or family. nt t0o b0ring...
(089) You just talked to on the phone: a hands0me consultant.. (jgn nk perasan lbey2 ek!)
(090) You just talked to on text message: nabil
(091) You just to on IM: sherry n roy baker
(092) That made you smile: my frens..bff
(093) That made you laugh: simple, it's 'him'
(094) That saw you cry: my bff only.
(095) That bought you something: my family.! my BF? huh, never!
(096) That danced with you: many? ahah! nop, just my bff during sleep0ver at her h0use. lol!
(097) That you have a crush on: many...
(098) What do you find romantic?: look into my eyes n kiss me after that.. hug me when i'm feeling l0nely... ask me out bt i i can't go out, see me straight away~ ^^