100 things in my life

1.if u can choose ur name : Adyra
2.if u can choose ur age : 15
3.ur dream : become a hot superstar
4.if u can choose ur face : like me . =)
5.if u stress : i'll sing as loud as i can as long as nobody's home. hehe .
6.school u want : international school
7.friend u want : i dunno . good, maybe .
8.if you got a pet : a kitty n cats
9.what its name : tatia
10.what do you think about marry : no comment .
11.if u can change : i wanna be a sweet wife and a good friend to my friends n lovely husband .
12.first love : i dunno really . .
13.is he still in ur heart : i said i dunno . .
14.do u ever hv a real bf : yes, but far away. we'll meet at the end of this year . ^^
15.if u can marry anime : i'll choose Yuri in god save our king bcoz he's kinda 'lurus bendul'.
16.what u think about urself : aku tak perfect, oke ?
17.if u meet ur fvorite superstar : salam pastu blah .
18.the thing u cant forgot : many la .
19.favourite food : malaysia cuisine
20.favourite things : high heels =D
21.favourite country : Japan n Paris
22.favourite place : home
23.where r u now : infront of laptop
24.hobby : online game n taking picture
25.after 10 year : i'll hv a son. =)
26.after 3 hours : i'll continue sms my boyfiee
27.what is internet : my second world
28.if u are a superstar,who will it be: errr , , , siti nurhaliza ?
29.why : she's quite good . [tataw pe nk ckp lg]
30.what ur doing now : typing and doing sejarah exercise
31.if u're an animal : bodo, da jelas ak ni manusia .
32.i said, IF la : owwh~ a bird, i guess
33.why: i want to fly freely
34.if u're angry : i'l in my heart
35.the person u trust : nobody
36.if u're reborn : i wanna be a lot cuter than before. haha .
37.if u're dead : take my wish , dun take my properties .
38.what u think about school : best !
39.how ur mood today : good =)
40.u think u're pretty : sometimes, but i know i'm juz 'perasan' , oke ?
41.you like to befriend with guy : kinda . i cn change alot of idea .
42.why : bcoz, in some things, they're good. but, some is not. so, that's why i like to change ideas wif them . everyone hv diff ideas . =)
43.the show u watch on TV : lupe lar .
44.anime u cant forgot : God save our king. .
45.if u can become anime character : Princess Mayumi
46.what u do when ur 18 : take car licence n drive to anywhere i like . ;)
47.what u do when ur 40 : stay home , stay young n be a good mom .
48.manga u read : teens
49.game u cant forgot : massive-mafia
50.another game : lupe laks . .tp game mafia gak arr..
51.what so special about the game : it is my second world
52.you still play : nop
53.why : bcoz i stopped last yr after laptop that i used was stolen in a robbery at my house .
54.anime u can forgot : mmg da lupa pown
55.anime character u hate : erm, ntah .
56.what ur dream that cant be realize : i wanna get 11 A's in SPM
57.did u believe in ghost : yeap
58.have u ever saw one : err, no n i dun want .
59.what is ur sweet moment : spending time wif my friends, shopping . ^^
60.what is ur bitter moment : eksiden mase nk belok jalan. mase tu naik moto tak pki helmet. nasib baik hidup lagi . alhamdulillah . .
61.if u can create a world : everybody is good to each other .
62.if you can wish 3 things : iman, good carreer and a good husband.
63.the good site of u : why ask me? ask others who knows me .
64.the bad site of u : ntah. tanye la org yg kenal .
65.u saw a couple kissing : snap some picture and put it on internet. wahh~!! jahatnyer akuh !!
66.if all ur dream cant be realize : stood up n view the sky n start thinking bout future . .
67.if all ur dream can be realize : thanks to Allah for granted my dream. =)
68.3 things u look on guy : his heart , money n looks
69.if u're britney spear : i'll shopping a lot!! haha
70.if u're minnie mouse : oohhh, i'll moved to singapore bcoz i hate disneyland~ wawawa !!
71.if u're married : i want him to be at my side as much as he can. saya nak disayangi .
72.if ur husband dun want : i dunno.. merajuk kowt .
73.people say ur arrogant : who said that? depends la on my mood . berani dier ckp gituh. mati kau!
74.u're not arrogant? : maybe sometimes, without i realize it, i'm being arrogant. i'm sorry , yah ?
75.3 thing u always bring : diriku, baju dan mekap
76.ur're smart ? : so ?
77.u confident will urself : sometimes . .
78.how will u go audition : never . =.=
79.what u wanna people say to u : ikhlas dari hati.
80.have people ever said that to u : yes, several .
81.the worst thing u said,when u mad : byk sgt... u cn go to hell, bongok,
82.what ur favourite moment : talking to someone
83.why : i feel happy when i talk to him .
84.what the thing u scared the most : lost someone that i love very much, die, failed in SPM, being a loser n hilang pedoman dan kewarasan . .
85.what u think of small kids : they're cute but sometimes are annoying .
86.what u think of big kids : very notty .
87.parent not always rite : yeah ~
88.what the bad site of ur parents : [i dun wanna tell bcoz it's ng good, okey..]
89.what the good site of ur parents : they love me ~ ^^
90.whats the good record u ever made : dpt A dlm math~
91.serious? : yes, i am .
92.why : bcoz my add math failed really hard to think bout it but i got my modern math A1 SEYH..
93.what makes u laugh : jokes n salah call org .
94.have u ever being a poor people : miskin? tiada dlm kamus hidupku. semua cukup. =)
95.now? : sama jer tapi lebih senang arr .. hehe .
96.u live in happy family : yes, and i appreciate it a lot .
97.what is the expensive thing you ever got : nokia handfone from my bro sbgi hadiah dpt 7A dlm PMR.
98.the cheapest thing : gule2 seposen . =D
99.if they're 5 star,how many will u give to urself : 2.5 XD
100.last word : ckp je apa2 yg korang rase ttg saya . ikhlas dan jujur supaya diri ini boleh diperbaiki jika ada yg kurang . .

PS: this quiz was taken from yoshimi's blog . same question, but using my answer. ^^
credit to yoshimi.