well well well, the truth has come

baru harini ak dpt tau sesuatu... sedih, td ak bkak la ym dea sjap n chat la dgn ex dea. ak chatting jap ngn bdk tu, dy ckp sbb ak la dy breakup.. well, hati mana yg tak terusik, kn? dea ckp dea kapel ngn bdk tuh seminggu je tp ape yg ak dpt tau dah lama dea kapel rupa-rupanya. . . ak rasa diri ni tgh menggigil, bkn sbb marah tp kecewa yg amat sgt.. ak kecewa dgn sikap dea yang tipu ak dan terus menerus tipu ak. damn! this is awkward..
so, betul la kata puteri yah? he's lying to me. i cant believe it.. i'm sure damn not happy rite now.. i really dun have mood. i just wanna be alone.. dea sungguh pandai berlakon itu ini. ak rase mcm urhhhhh!! nak mati je..
i need my fren now, bt where are they?? KL, Langkawi and Sabah. they went holiday for a long period.. what should i do?? pada siapa ak nk luahkan?? i dunno what to say.... just i wish they can go to hell as well as me.